Online Poker |
Online poker has become a real phenomenon in the last years. More players from all around the world are joining the community of online poker players. Attracted by the low rakes and the comfort of playing from their own homes, many of them have chosen online poker. |
Land based casinos have higher rakes than online poker rooms and additional costs like waitress tips, travel expenses and even high tax rates in some countries. That's why it is way more profitable to gamble online, no matter if it's poker or casino wagering. Online poker rooms and online casinos are offshore based companies with zero taxation on any of your winnings. Another big advantage of online poker is the player base available anytime. In addition to that, many novice players are playing online, while in a land base casino you might find only sharks. |
Probably the most developed global industry, online poker provides high quality services, modern payment methods, excellent customer support at the lowest fees possible. Players are treated like VIPs no matter if they are high rollers or are simply playing for fun. There is no other place where you are treated like a king even if you rake only $5 per month. |
Below are our main sections related to online poker: |
Poker Rooms - A guide with the best online poker rooms |
Poker Bonuses - Nice incentives for the most important online poker rooms |
Poker Strategy - Some basic tips to help newbies to find their way in online poker |